Latest RHC News
CADA St Aignan rolls up its sleeves for the RHC
The Centre d'Accueil des Demandeurs d'Asiles de St Aignan (St Aignan Asylum Seekers Reception...
Volunteers on the go
15,000: that's how many hours all the volunteers have already put in over the last 2 years to...
L’Épicier de Thenay is in the game
A superb story is in the making with a local shopkeeper who represents the spirit of the event to...
The Centre-Val-de-Loire Region charters a special train
On 8 September 2023, after the final whistle has sounded on the Pontlevoy pitches, train number...
The RHC collective artwork
To stimulate young people's creativity, a collective piece of art will be created during the week...
The Loir-et-Cher Chamber of Commerce and Industry takes the ball with the RHC!
The Loir-et-Cher Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) is taking up the challenge with local...
RHC Ticketing is now open!
With 2 months to go to kick-off, the RHC ticket office is already open and will remain so...
Volunteers thanked by watching a great movie
The Rugby Heritage Cup will be a great success, thanks in no small part to the commitment of...
Irish schools officially registered
Two and half months before the Pontlevoy 2023 Rugby Heritage Cup, two Irish schools will be...
The mystery of the trophy
The tournament that everyone has been waiting for, is fast approaching. A tournament without a...